where I talk about my life, knitting, and pretty much everything else that is on my mind
Let me preface this by saying I know I am going to ramble. Don't say I didn't warn you!!
I got my package yesterday from Deb(the bestest swap partner in the world!)!!!! I still haven't taken pictures . I know bad me and this post is basically worthless without pictures. But I am so excited about everything I have to post anyways! Mondays and Wednesday I am at school all day. Literally. I leave for school at 10 and get home around 8. It's tough but almost over!Only 4 more class days! Yesterday I had woken up with a slight headache that was threatening to blow into a full blown one any second, it was raining and all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch watch movies and knit. But being the good student I dragged myself to school. In the middle of the day Mom called to say I had received a package and was I expecting anything. I thought about it for a second and thought no I haven't ordered anything. Then the light bulb went off! It must be from my swap pal!! I couldn't wait to get home but I still had 2 classes.
This would be so much better with pictures! It absolutely made my day! Everything was wrapped in light purple tissue paper and I felt like I was never going to reach the bottom of the box . Every time I pulled something out something else was under it! I was very spoiled! Here is everything Deb gave me in no particular order