Friday, February 1, 2008

Sigh of relief!

I am so happy. I only have one more ufo from my original list. Andy's hat is done, Malden's sweater is done, Craig's never ending scarf is done, and Mom's calorimetry is done. I am a very relieved knitter. I only have my socks to finish. Of course I also have the log cabin blankets that are a continuing charity project.
I am disappointed that my batteries in my camera were dead so I have to rely on my brothers to actually take pictures of these gifts while being worn and email them to me so I can post them here. It could happen!!
Tomorrow I am going to buy a replacement needle for my socks. Right now one of the needles is really hard to work with. I knit tightly and the join is not smooth at all making it difficult for me to really get in a rhythm when I am working on them. I am debating between going to Micheal's or buying from Knit Picks. I love my options needles so much but I am antsy to get back to my socks. Decisions, decisions!

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