I cast on last night for Kendra's calorimetry while watching Jeopardy with my Mom. About 2 hours later I was almost done. By the time I went to bed I was casting off with this bind off. I just need to sew on the button I bought today. I love love love this pattern! I actually didn't follow the pattern to the t. A lot of knitters on Ravelry said that it came out humongous if you cast on 120 stitches as called for in the pattern but that it came out perfectly with between 80-100. I arbitrarilly chose 88 and am so glad I did. It fit my head stretched so hopefully it will be perfect for K! I have a big head and a lot of hair. K has a lot of hair and an average sized head.
Here are my specs I used Paton's Soy Wool Stripes in Natural Geranium. I cast on 88 stitches with I think size 8 needles. It took me about 3 -3.5 hours to knit. I still have a little less than half of a skein left. I will be making more in the future!