First I got my A&P test back and I got an A! I was so surprised and excited. Then while I was at school I got a call that I had received an orange wrapped package. So I knew Danielle aka Secksiebrat was my secret theme swap pal! She had posted that someone was getting an orange box. I couldn't wait to get home and see what I had gotten. But before I went home I had to go take care of my neighbors cats. On Tues one of the cats, I will call him Houdini, had gotten loose and I was starting to get very worried about him. When I pulled into the driveway he was sitting on the front step giving me a look like what took you so long to get here. I let him in, did everything I needed to do for the cats, and rushed home to open my package. I was so excited to see all the goodies ! Danielle chose my theme Sock it to Me! I got 2 different kinds of sock yarn the two smaller balls are Dancing by Knit Picks and the larger is Lion Brand Magic Stripes. 3 patterns Kaylee, Rainy Day socks and the Knit Picks 2 at once on 2 circs. To keep with my theme she included super cute pedicure stuff, toe separators, a nail file, 2 little bottles of nail polish, and a foot soak and lotion. How could I almost forget the baggie of candy! It reminded me so much of my Halloween hauls from years ago!
What you want to see pictures? I aim to please!

Thank you so much Danielle!! I had so much fun with this swap!!! I will keep you all posted on my sock knitting adventures.