Blogging that is! Somehow in the midst of this past semester I have totally stopped blogging. I really wanted this to be an accurate record of what I was working on and for whom. But somehow I have let it fall to the wayside. Lately I have been fairly prolific with my knitting. I suppose it doesn't hurt that every thing I have done has been for babies, but still! I mostly have been working on the Oddball charity baby blankets. I have also made 2 blankets for new babies in my life . The first one I made was originally going to go to my cousin for her new baby but once I started the second one I knew it was perfect for her. I then decided to give the first to my friend's baby. I love both blankets each are beautiful in their own way.
The first blanket I did was the
Pinwheel baby blanket.

Used Bernat Cotton Tots yarn in very berry and strawberry.
The second blanket was originally a pattern for a
dishcloth. I love way the dishcloth looks so I decided to try and turn it into a baby blanket. I used Bernat Camouflage yarn in go girl. Here's a pic of the blanket with its inspiration. I really wish I had a better pic of this blanket. It really is much prettier in person!

I need to upload more pictures from my camera so I can show off everything else I have been doing lately. Thanks for stopping by!