Yesterday I was looking at all the goodies that people were posting that they had gotten from there KH swap pals. I was shocked to see that someone already had a FO( finished object) made from their swap yarn. I began to feel like a bit of a knitting slacker which quite frankly I have been lately. So I did it. I cast on for my 2 at once on 2 circs socks. At first I was really intimidated by the cast on for toe up socks, but this pattern is different. It has you cast on half the stitches knit a row and then pick up stitches in the back of the row. They explain it way better than I can! Here is the progress I made last night while watching Gray's Anatomy. They don't look like much now but I can definitely see the potential ! Not too bad for my first pair of real socks if I do say so myself! I've knit Christmas ornament stockings so I figured I could go ahead a jump in the deep end of sock knitting without drowning.
Now for the shameless begging portion of today's blog. I only have one- yes one Pay It Forward angel. This is making it very hard for me to PIF! Please sign up! I don't want this amazing idea to die with me. It really will be so much fun I promise. I tend to spoil the people around me! Wouldn't you like that to be you?!? You know you want to, please just sign up! It's really easy to join just go down a couple of posts and put in a comment- pretty pleeeeeeeeeeease. Thank you! End of shameless begging portion of this blog.
I hope everyone is having a great Friday. Thanks for stopping by!