Saturday, September 29, 2007

The best day

Last Thursday started out pretty normal but ended up being a great day!
First I got my A&P test back and I got an A! I was so surprised and excited. Then while I was at school I got a call that I had received an orange wrapped package. So I knew Danielle aka Secksiebrat was my secret theme swap pal! She had posted that someone was getting an orange box. I couldn't wait to get home and see what I had gotten. But before I went home I had to go take care of my neighbors cats. On Tues one of the cats, I will call him Houdini, had gotten loose and I was starting to get very worried about him. When I pulled into the driveway he was sitting on the front step giving me a look like what took you so long to get here. I let him in, did everything I needed to do for the cats, and rushed home to open my package. I was so excited to see all the goodies ! Danielle chose my theme Sock it to Me! I got 2 different kinds of sock yarn the two smaller balls are Dancing by Knit Picks and the larger is Lion Brand Magic Stripes. 3 patterns Kaylee, Rainy Day socks and the Knit Picks 2 at once on 2 circs. To keep with my theme she included super cute pedicure stuff, toe separators, a nail file, 2 little bottles of nail polish, and a foot soak and lotion. How could I almost forget the baggie of candy! It reminded me so much of my Halloween hauls from years ago!
What you want to see pictures? I aim to please!

Thank you so much Danielle!! I had so much fun with this swap!!! I will keep you all posted on my sock knitting adventures.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wish me luck & yippeee!

Good morning! today is practical day in my A&P lab. Wish me luck!Now for the good news my secret pal emailed me yesterday and said she had mailed my package!!!! I will definitely be stalking the mailman for the rest of the week. So be prepared for some yarn porn! I am really excited to see what theme she chose. I am pretty sure it will get me out of my knitting slump! Lately because of the pressures of school I haven't been getting much knitting in. When I am knitting I have been working on a very boring Ohio state gray and scarlet striped scarf for my brother. It is knit in the round and it feels like it is never going to be finished! Here is my progress so far. Please excuse my dirty table! The flash really highlights everything doesn't it!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pay it Forward!!!!!

Happy First Day of Fall ya'll!! I love fall it is one of my favorite seasons. Now if only the weather would cooperate and realize it is fall. It is almost 90 here today.

Pay It Forward Exchange I'm SO EXCITED to be a involved in the Pay It Forward Exchange! I found out about it from Becka! But I signed up under Jeanie aka Jeanius.

Let me tell you about it, these are the instructions: "It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

I will now Pay It Forward to you THREE, I wonder who you will be?! Please, be a PIF! You will enjoy it just as much as we do!"

And, have 6 months to get your gifts done! Come on, you know you would love to be one of my angels. Then, one day, but you don't know will get a gift that I have made especially for YOU!

Please remember, you don't have to knit or crochet to participate, anyone who can make a nice handmade gift is welcome to join :)



Saturday, September 22, 2007

Well Duh!

Hi again everybody! I just realized I posted my first entry and didn't introduce myself at all! So sorry about that. My name is Holly. I am 28 years old. I was born on April 's fools day, so I am not too to far from 29 which is incredibly close to the big 30 eek!!!
I love to knit! I have been knitting for about 9 years but have just really gotten serious about it in the last two or three years.
I have wonderful and beautiful black lab named Bentley. I also have two funny and sweet cats. Joey is a light gray tabby and Sierra is his litter mate she is a brown tabby. I am a full time student. I plan on going to nursing school next fall. So right now I am taking a bunch of prerequisites like Anatomy and Chemistry. Yeah, it's a great semester- lol!
I am really new to blogging. It is going to take me a minute to get used to posting. But I promise I will try to not let too much time go by without posting here. I am really looking forward to you all getting to know me better and having a place to show all my knitting off.
I really should be studying for a practical I have this week in A&P lab. Wish me luck my brain already feels mushy!

ps what's a post without pictures? My boys
and my sweet and goofy girl

Surprise Themed Swap!

Hi! I am part of the very fun and sneaky surprise theme swap over on Knitting Help! I have been dieing to tell someone who my swappee is but I shall resist for just a little bit longer! Instead I will post everything I got for her. First we have the oh so amazing Mmmmalabrigo yarn in Geranio. On my screen the color isn't quite right. To me it is a really rich blend of reds with a touch of pink. I don't know if she has ever used this yarn before but I absolutely love it. The people at KH kept talking about eventually I broke down and bought it. They were right! I now feel it is my duty as an informed knitter to share the mmm love! It was so hard for me to package it up I just want to keep it and pet it for the rest of my life. LOL!
Next there are the two ideas I "borrowed" from my swap pal last time Dustina. She was incredibly kind and generous. The first thing is a magnetic board. It has been a complete lifesaver when working on patterns. I can use the magnetics to mark my location it's great! And I saw the cards while shopping in a obscure little bookstore and knew I had to get them for her. I used my whole pack in about two or three weeks when I got them! And everyone commented on how cute etc they are so in they go!

Finally there is the washcloth I knit for her with a mini bar of one of my favorite soaps. The washcloth is my attempt at completing the color theme she gave. Have I given it away who I have yet?

It has been a ton of fun being part of the swap! I highly recommend it to any one who is unsure just join the next one!
I guess I will say bye for now. Dinner needs to be made and the dog needs to be walked.
XoX, Holly